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This content is available only in Spanish
This content is available only in Spanish
Content available in Spanish Version.
Content available in Spanish Version.
Content available in Spanish Version.
Content available in Spanish Version.
The pandemic has revolutionized everyone's lifestyle and thanks to technology, many of those changes that were being built, even before March 2020...
The pandemic has revolutionized everyone's lifestyle and thanks to technology, many of those changes that were being built, even before March 2020
While the vaccination programs against COVID-19 advance at different rates in various countries of the world, governments, national and international ...
While the vaccination programs against COVID-19 advance at different rates in various countries of the world, governments, national and international agencies, airlines, as well as companies...
The international community has recognized the recent announcement from the Colombian Government regarding the implementation of the Statute of Tempor...
The international community has recognized the recent announcement from the Colombian Government regarding the implementation of the Statute of Temporary Protection for Venezuelan migrants.
In accordance with Resolutions 2532 of 2020 and 002 of 2021, issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, all travelers with Colombia as a ...
In accordance with Resolutions 2532 of 2020 and 002 of 2021, issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, all travelers with Colombia as a final destination or who need an international connection in the country that requires migration process, will have to present PCR test with a negative result for Covid-19, issued no longer than 96 hours before boarding the flight.
Through Resolution 2230 of 2020, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection decreed the extension of the health emergency throughout the national te...
Through Resolution 2230 of 2020, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection decreed the extension of the health emergency throughout the national territory until February 28, 2021.
After a six-month wait, practically from the beginning of the pandemic, measures were announced that Colombians and, above all, foreigners, were longi...
After a six-month wait, practically from the beginning of the pandemic, measures were announced that Colombians and, above all, foreigners, were longing for, regarding the resumption of the air border, as well as the resumption of migration processes.
This new resolution specifies which documents will be valid for the SIRE notification, i.e.: Passport with a valid visa or permit authorized by Migrac...
This new resolution specifies which documents will be valid for the SIRE notification, i.e.: Passport with a valid visa or permit authorized by Migración Colombia, foreigner's identity card, Special Permit to Stay or the document that serves as such, and valid safe-conduct.
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