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Visa al Reino Unido: un retroceso inesperado

This content is available only in Spanish Tannus Serrano;;

This content is available only in Spanish Tannus Serrano;;

Nuevo plazo para el traspaso de visas de residente en Colombia: hasta octubre de 2026

El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Colombia ha emitido la Resolución 9316 del 27 de septiembre de 2024, ampliando el plazo para que los titular... Tannus Serrano;;

El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Colombia ha emitido la Resolución 9316 del 27 de septiembre de 2024, ampliando el plazo para que los titulares de visas de residente permanente, otorgadas bajo normativas anteriores realicen el traspaso correspondiente. El nuevo plazo se extiende hasta el 31 de octubre de 2026. Tannus Serrano;;

Challenges for visa issuance

By virtue of the State of Emergency decreed by the Colombian governments and other nations in the world, a significant number of provisions have been ... Tannus Serrano;;

By virtue of the State of Emergency decreed by the Colombian governments and other nations in the world, a significant number of provisions have been implemented in different areas, where migratory aspects continue to play a leading role in each jurisdiction Tannus Serrano;;

Return protocol for Colombians and foreign residents

The Colombian Government has implemented a significant number of provisions in different areas in recent months under the State of Economic, Social an... Tannus Serrano;;

The Colombian Government has implemented a significant number of provisions in different areas in recent months under the State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency Tannus Serrano;;

New special permit for Venezuelans

The Colombian government has continued simplifying the immigration regulations for Venezuelan nationals so they can continue to enter and regularize t... Tannus Serrano;;

The Colombian government has continued simplifying the immigration regulations for Venezuelan nationals so they can continue to enter and regularize their immigration status in the country Tannus Serrano;;

Reform of Entry and Residence Permits

As of December 1st, Resolution 3167 of 2019 issued by Migración Colombia will be effective. This Resolution establishes new guidelines for the entry, ... Tannus Serrano;;

As of December 1st, Resolution 3167 of 2019 issued by Migración Colombia will be effective. This Resolution establishes new guidelines for the entry, stay and departure of nationals and foreigners from the national territory Tannus Serrano;;

Creation of a New Complementary Special Permit for Venezuelan Nationals

On July 3, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs created a new alternative for Venezuelan nationals, the Complementary Special Permit (PECP)... Tannus Serrano;;

On July 3, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs created a new alternative for Venezuelan nationals, the Complementary Special Permit (PECP)

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+57 (1) 377 9152
Bogotá, Colombia

Colombian boutique legal services firm specializing in labor, employment and immigration law. Tannus & Asociados’ team stands out for its dynamism and ability to effectively advise in complex scenarios, providing tailored solutions to each client and situation, focused on the satisfaction of their clients.

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