After a six-month wait, practically from the beginning of the pandemic, measures were announced that Colombians and, above all, foreigners, were longing for, regarding the resumption of the air border, as well as the resumption of migration processes. On September 19, the first phase of international commercial flights between Colombia and the United States began, and gradually more flights have started with countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Bolivia. It is worth mentioning that humanitarian flights, as well as charters duly authorized by the Government, continue to be scheduled and to transport travellers to and from Colombia.
With the gradual reopening of international air traffic, the following measures were established to achieve better control and comply with biosafety protocols: Present PCR test with negative result for Covid-19, with an expedition no more than 96 hours before the flight; fill out the Check-Mig form, for entry and exit of the country, with maximum 24 hours and minimum 1 hour before the flight; download the Coronapp application and create a profile to report the traveller’s health status, in addition to complying with the mandatory use of mask, frequent hand washing and social distancing. It is worth noting that the land, sea, and river borders will remain closed until November 1st as a preventive measure.
On the other hand, on September 21, Migración Colombia resumed its services in all offices in the country to carry out the procedures for foreigners’ identity cards, visa registration, certificates of migratory movements, safe-conducts, Special Permit to Stay for the Promotion of Formalization and Temporary Permits to Stay.
Considering the circumstances of recent months, the authority has granted a transition period from September 21 to December 15, 2020, to carry out the corresponding processes. This is important, for example, in the processes of visa registration and application for a foreigner’s identity card, since we have 15 calendar days to do so from the time the visa is issued in Colombia or at the time of entry into the country, if it was issued before a consulate. It should be noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs still has no attention to the public for visas stamping, which is why, the registration of visa and issuance of foreigner’s ID card can be done with the electronic visa, i.e., despite not being stamped in the passport.
For the execution of all the mentioned processes, it will be necessary to schedule an appointment, download the Coronapp application and fill out the health declaration form. Some users claim that the appointments for some procedures in Bogotá have not been able to be scheduled or if they could, they were assigned for the month of November. This will most likely lead to an extended transition period since many users will probably not be able to perform their processes in the established terms.
Likewise, the procedural terms of the administrative sanctioning actions carried out by Migración Colombia against individuals or legal entities for infractions and non-compliance with obligations were resumed and, therefore, will begin to run for the calculation of expiration, prescription or enforceability of administrative acts.
Tannus & Asociados