

UncategorizedInternational flights and PCR test

By: Rodrigo Tannus Serrano

In accordance with Resolutions 2532 of 2020 and 002 of 2021, issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, all travelers with Colombia as a final destination or who need an international connection in the country that requires migration process, will have to present PCR test with a negative result for Covid-19, issued no longer than 96 hours before boarding the flight. However, those passengers who could not take the test or obtain the result in the required term, will be able to choose upon arrival if they do the PCR test and keep in preventive isolation until they obtain the negative result, or remain in preventive isolation for a minimum of 14 days in their residence or lodging place, assuming the costs of this accommodation. It should be noted that the quarantine may be extended by epidemiological criteria of the competent authorities.

In addition to the above, travelers must fill out the Check-Mig form to enter the country with a maximum of 24 hours and at least 1 hour before the trip and download the Coronapp application where you will need to create a profile to report your health condition.

As additional measures, the use of face masks, frequent hand washing and keeping social distance is recommended. It is worth noting that land and river borders will continue to be closed until March 1 as a preventive measure.

Despite the aforementioned measures, there have been cases where some travelers entered the country with positive tests being identified by Migración Colombia and the District Health Secretary. As a consequence of these events, an administrative action on immigration matters was opened against foreigners and airlines that allowed them to board the flight with a positive test for Covid-19, for an alleged violation of Colombian immigration legislation.

On the other hand, Decree 1727 of 2020 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs modified the provisions referring to the grounds for inadmissibility or rejection, explicitly establishing that those foreigners who fail to comply with the public health regulations or the health controls established by the health authorities, as well as those who present and show symptoms of disease with epidemic and / or pandemic potential defined in the International Health Regulations, which constitute a threat to public health; may be subject to the country’s inadmissibility or rejection measures, that is, the immigration authority would deny their entry, ordering the immediate return to the country of embarkation, of origin or to a third country that admits them.

These new measures are being considered in recent days, due to the circumstances of the pandemic, as well as recently events of foreign nationals, who apparently were violating the isolation measures, putting at risk the public and national health security.

It is for this reason that, in this second peak of the pandemic, we invite all people to think about those around us, having a sense of co-responsibility and social responsibility, since they depend on us and we on them.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact us


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